Hello everyone!
- 1. Always on the Right side of life.
1a. Follow the first signs (At a distance of 200-300m).
Go to them, finding stairs to the sky.
Write down the number of steps. -
1b. Then take a walk & pass by a column to find the martyrs.
Write down their names & dates or take a photo of them and head back to your car.
1a. Follow the first signs (At a distance of 200-300m).
2. Passing the Silk road then next turn and think about what Popeye's wife was called.
Once you have the answer take the appropriate picture. -
3. Tall and empty, count the highest windows all around & then drive until you see the Silk sign.
How many colours are the railings in the area and what do they surround? -
4. Narrow road ahead so no stops for a while.
4a. Just out of the village there is a scrapyard.
What is the make of the car that is stationed there? -
4b. Further down the road there is a farmer's toy.
What is its make and colour?
4a. Just out of the village there is a scrapyard.
- 5. Name the supermarket and tell us how many R.I.P. in the row with a canopy.
6. Go towards the tinsel town.
6a. Find a new brand of fuel, whose emblem reminds you of western films.
Write down the fuel brand as well as what is on the opposite side of the road in front of the school. -
6b. Turning at Crete's money whale just keep going until you can find a 'T' junction in the road.
Stick to the road, no flights for us today.
6a. Find a new brand of fuel, whose emblem reminds you of western films.
- 7. Photograph the war memorial then go through the town and write down the colour of the bridge.
- 8. Going to "middle-village" find a shop with Janet's favourite colour. What does the shop sell?
9. Our next stop has the initials 'K.K.', it has a famous tap there.
What year was the donation that lead to the refurbishment of the tap made? -
10. Now the fun starts!
Snake your way towards the sea. Take care driving, there are lots of twists & turns.
Enjoy the wonderful view! At the end find a playground and relax a bit.
Drink some water and write down the colours of the swings.
Then move on towards Anthony Quinn's most famous Greek film, but don't stop there as it may not be open.-
10a. Next find a bridge that has no rails, only pipes.
How many pipes are there for the water to pass through? -
10b. Keep driving and enjoy the view of the rock formations.
When new buildings come into view, write down how many there are in a downwards row? -
10c. Then you get to the castle.
How many changing cubicles are there outside and what colour are they? -
10d. Continuing away from the sea you pass through small towns.
Note down the name of the church that you encounter. -
10e. Then pass a building with the colour of a banana.
What kind of building is it?
10a. Next find a bridge that has no rails, only pipes.
11. Continue into the main square of the next town.
11a. Find the church that is there.
Write down, or take a photograph, of the dates that are on the war memorial that is there.
- 11b. Take a photograph of the old clock.
- 10c. Take a photo of the largest oak tree in the town.
Finally head away from the town & towards a village that is named after a tree. -
11a. Find the church that is there.
Pass a kantina and turn upwards to find your destination with the name of a Greek goddess.